Seminari - Dipartimento Management Seminari - Dipartimento Management validi dal 27.07.2024 al 27.07.2025. International Logistics Relatore: Simone Peinkopfer, Tom Goldsby; Data inizio: 2024-12-30; Referente interno: Ivan Russo; Riassunto: Il 2 maggio, dalle 14:00 avremo il privilegio di ospitare Simone Peinkopfer (Michigan State University) che terragrave; un seminario all#39;interno dell#39;insegnamento in International Logistics & Marketing sullle sfide del Retail Supply Chain. Successivamente, l#39;8 e il 9 maggio, avremo l#39;opportunitagrave; di ospitare Tom Goldsby dell#39;Universitagrave; del Tennessee. Condivideragrave; con noi le sue ricerche in tema di Rischi, Resilienza e Agilitagrave; della supply chain. ***** We#39;re delighted to welcome two international esteemed guests to our upcoming sessions of International Logistics & Marketing Class: On May 2nd, from 2:00 PM to 6:45 PM, we#39;ll have the privilege of hosting Simone Peinkopfer from Michigan State University. She will be delivering an insightful lecture on Retail Supply Chain. Then, on May 8th and May 9th, we#39;ll have the honor of hosting Tom Goldsby from the University of Tennessee. He will be sharing his expertise on Supply Chain Risk, Resiliency, Agility, and more!quot;. Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0100