Research groups

Business networks: antecedents, life-cycle and critical success factors

The research group has the aim to analyse the phenomenon of business networks from the perspective of antecedents which enable the collaborative strategy and the expected outputs in terms of competitive advantages for the firms in the network; the research activity includes the analysis of network contracts, their distinctive features and their strengths and weaknesses. Among the aims of research there are analysis on: the strategic motivations under the network logic; the main benefits obtained or expected by the network’s firm; the main difficulties in operating, cultural and organisational terms. The research projects are developing through a double perspective, qualitative and quantitative, with data collection through interviews, focus groups and secondary data. A special focus is devoted to life-cycle in networks and the failure factors which could lead to termination or stasis in the collaboration.
Contact people
Silvia Cantele

Silvia Cantele
Associate Professor
Silvia Vernizzi
Associate Professor
Topic Research area
Strategic control Gestione delle performance aziendali
Performance management
Process of formulation and implementation of corporate and business strategy Governance aziendale e strategia
Corporate governance and strategy
Performance antecedents in firms and impact measurement Gestione delle performance aziendali
Performance management
Sustainable business models Responsabilità sociale d'impresa ed etica aziendale
CSR, sustainability and business ethics
Sustainability reporting and non-financial disclosure in for profit organizations Responsabilità sociale d'impresa ed etica aziendale
CSR, sustainability and business ethics
Business networks: antecedents, life-cycle and critical success factors Governance aziendale e strategia
Corporate governance and strategy
Planning, control and performance measurement systems in universities Gestione delle performance aziendali
Performance management
Benefit Corporations and B-Corp Responsabilità sociale d'impresa ed etica aziendale
CSR, sustainability and business ethics
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
Reti di impresa: strategie e performance Silvia Cantele Polo scientifico didattico studi sull’impresa - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento Dec 30, 2014 48


Research facilities
