The combination between economic value creation and social mission is more and more frequent in many organizations and it has aroused a growing interest to new comprehensive concepts, like the category of “hybrid organization”. The research group aims to investigate these entities to deepen their purpose and mission, to define their conceptual perimeter and to define their managerial characteristics. The focus is, in particular, on the following elements: economic-financial and social performance and indicators able to reflect them, social and sustainability reporting as, and evaluation of social impact. The research groups adopt both qualitative and quantitative methods, among which the following ones assume particular relevance: accurate literature review on the topic; quantitative analysis of information available in the main economic-financial data-base; qualitative analysis on hand-collected data and other data-base (e.g.: built by e-survey); study of significant case studies.
- Broglia, C. Corsi, P. Farinon, G. Mion, Tra economicità e bene comune. Analisi critica delle cooperative sociali come Hybrid Organizations, RIREA, Roma, 2017
- Broglia, C. Corsi, P. Farinon, L’espressività del conto economico per le cooperative sociali: primi risultati di un’indagine condotta nel Veneto, in Atti del Convegno Nazionale SIDREA 2018 (Verona, 13-14 Settembre 2018), in corso di pubblicazione