Univr Fashion Week - The fashion industry in the European Union

Starting date
September 1, 2015
Duration (months)
Managers or local contacts
Baruffi Maria Caterina
Fashion industry, European Union, Training, Jean Monnet Module

The project “Univr Fashion Week” (565055-EPP-1-2015-1-IT-EPPJMO-MODULE) is co-funded by the European Union as a Jean Monnet Module 2015-2018 within the Erasmus+ Programme given its relevance in the framework of the EU policies. The project envisages the organisation of three editions of a Summer School on the fashion industry in the European Union that consists of lectures addressing fashion-related issues examined from a legal and economic perspective. The course is also supported by other scientific activities, including the organisation of conferences, the collection and online publication of didactic materials, the publication of a periodic newsletter, open access articles on the online journal Papers di diritto europeo (edited by the European Documentation Centre of Verona), a selected relevant bibliography, and, at the completion of the project lifetime, a policy brief.
The project “Univr Fashion Week”, through the realisation of the Summer School and the related scientific activities, aims at further promoting a specific field of study of European Union law and intends to enhance the mutual interaction between academia and entrepreneurs involved in the fashion industry with particular regard to legal and economic aspects. Following a cross-sectorial and multidisciplinary approach, innovative study perspectives are developed. This not only allows to expand the areas of European Union studies and research within the Law Department of the University of Verona, but also to foster skills and professional experience of the teaching staff members on specific topics of fashion law and economics. The project thus provides for an academic added value.
In order to fulfil the objectives of the project, a monitoring activity is envisaged during the whole project lifetime. This is based on the creation and distribution of questionnaires to the participants, which are actively involved in the self-evaluation of the acquired competences and the assessment of the events’ arrangement and delivery. In addition, periodic reports (in English language) on the Project activities and results are elaborated periodically.


Commissione Europea
Funds: assigned and managed by the department
Syllabus: EUROPA - Progetti Europei

Project participants

Claudio Baccarani
Emeritus Professor
Maria Caterina Baruffi
Professor from another university
Solange Baruffi
Paolo Butturini
Associate Professor
Laura Calafà
Full Professor
Diletta Danieli
Associate Professor
Fabrizio Di Benedetto
Temporary Professor
Roberto Flor
Associate Professor
Caterina Fratea
Associate Professor
Maria Margherita Parini
Teaching Assistant
Cinzia Peraro
Professor from another university
Marco Peruzzi
Associate Professor
Isolde Quadranti
Technical-administrative staff
Francesca Ragno
Professor from another university
Marco Torsello
Full Professor
Marta Maria Ugolini
Full Professor

Collaboratori esterni

Andrea albanese
Social Media Manager e Digital Communication Advisor
Elisa Arrigo
Carlo Marco Belfanti
Anna Caprara
Consorzio della Moda
Giovanni Casucci
Avvocato, Dentons
Daniela Cavallo
Margherita Cera
Francesca Ferrari
Marco Gorini
Ingegnere, Delegato UNI/ISO Gestione Innovazione
Luca Magrini
DLA Piper
Samuel Marinelli
KPMG Tax & Legal
Gianluigi Marino
Avvocato, Osborne Clarke
Sara Massalongo
Avvocato, Dentons
Giuseppe Moretti
KPMG Tax & Legal
Maria Reppucci
KPMG Tax & Legal
Patrizia Salvaterra
Giornalista ed esperta di comunicazione
Agostina Zwilling
Eco-fashion designer
Research areas involved in the project
EU Migration and Asylum Law
Title Authors Year
Equity crowdfunding in the fashion industry and the last reforms enacted across EU countries Butturini, Paolo 2017
Fashion Brand e tutela penale dei marchi nell’era dell’ICTs. Alcuni spunti di riflessione su profili applicativi e beni giuridici protetti nel mutato contesto tecnologico Flor, Roberto 2017
La marca e il marchio Baccarani, Claudio; Cavallo, Daniela; Tacchella Gian, Luca; Ugolini, Marta 2017
Searching for the appropriate IP regime for fashion designs: the EU vis-à-vis the US Danieli, Diletta 2017
Equity and reward-based crowdfunding in the fashion industry: some possible applications Butturini, Paolo 2016
EU competition law and the fashion industry: the specific case of vertical agreements Fratea, Caterina 2016
'Made In' Labelling, Origin of Products and Free Circulation of Goods in the European Union Torsello, Marco 2016
New developments of trade mark protection: the case of Louboutin’s Red Sole mark Danieli, Diletta 2016
Presupposti e scenari in tema di garanzie convenzionali nella cessione di partecipazioni DALLA MASSARA, Tommaso 2016
The private international regime of fashion contracts: the distribution of goods abroad Ragno, Francesca 2016


Research facilities
