Logistics and supply chain management

The Logistics and Supply Chain Management research includes the following topics: supply chain management and logistics management, supplier-customer relationship management in the B2B context, supply chain risk management, procurement and raw materials price volatility, reverse logistics and closed loop supply chain, sustainable supply chain and circular economy, the role of the shopper in the supply chain, digitalization and Industry 4.0, logistics outsourcing, 3pl and logistics customer service, interface between marketing and logistics, supply chain marketing, urban logistics e last mile delivery.
Andrea Chiarini
Associate Professor
Ilenia Confente
Associate Professor
David D'Acunto
Temporary Assistant Professor
Barbara Gaudenzi
Associate Professor
Valentina Mazzoli
Temporary Assistant Professor
Ivan Russo
Full Professor
Paola Signori
Full Professor
Sara Toniolo
Temporary Assistant Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Logistics and supply chain management standard compliant  Scimago
B2B customer loyalty and supply chain management Ilenia Confente
Ivan Russo
This research goal is to explore the customer loyalty creation mechanisms in a business context under the lens of both marketing and supply chain management, determining its drivers and the different configurations of them that allow to reach a high degree of loyalty. This study applies the complexity theory to provide the different combinations of antecedents (logistics service quality, agile, market orientation, innovation, managing returns) that are able to obtain a high degree of customer loyalty.
A global study of returns management Ivan Russo
Returns management refers to the strategic development and managerial implementation of a firm’s returns policy as a marketing tool. The returns policy then has implications for the logistics function within a firm. Logistics is responsible for the physical re-acquisition and movement of the product, and ultimately, disposition decisions relating to any future use or value recovery from the returned product (this is often referred to as reverse logistics). Reverse supply chain (RSC) operations have emerged as a critical component of overall customer service in manufacturing industries and the choice of third party logistics would be critical.
Logistics customer service David D'Acunto
Ivan Russo
Globalisation has set up large systems of trading partners that span vast distances. Vertical integration, once commonplace, is now rare. While outsourcing has cost advantages, it also has a downside – lack of control and oversight; globalising the marketplace and the need of logistics service providers to render logistics services on an international scale requires intercultural management competencies. Whereas logistics and SCM have traditionally referred to the physical flow connecting production with customers, more recent research in logistics aims at integrating marketing notions and addressing the role of logistics in deliveringquality and improving customer service and satisfaction.
Logistics and supply chain management within the circular economy practice Ivan Russo
Sara Toniolo
Although some elements of circularity such as recycling and composting are already present in the linear economy, a CE takes a step beyond the pursuit of waste prevention and reduction to inspire technological, organizational and social innovation across supply chains. The current research concerns how consumers respond to the introduction of products made from regenerated bio-waste. The supply chain management and logistics management field can provide foundational principles upon which to facilitate the transition from traditional linear consumption approaches to circular approaches.
The role of the shopper within the supply chain in an omni-channel environment David D'Acunto
Ivan Russo
Analysis of the role of the shopper within the supply chain and understanding of the impact of the shoppers’ perception and purchasing behaviour across the online and offline channels impact supply chain strategies. In particular, this area studies how digital technologies enabled choices among different types of supply chain governance. Another objective of the research stream is to analyse all of the factors that influence logistics in a complex system, such as an urban area and last mile.
Omnicanalità, logistica dell'ultimo miglio e comportamento del consumatore Valentina Mazzoli
Analisi del comportamento del consumatore in relazione alle politiche di gestione dell'ultimo miglio della supply chain da parte delle imprese. Attraverso disegni sperimentali online e sul campo si studia l'impatto di tali politiche sulle percezioni e sui comportamenti dei consumatori nei confronti delle imprese valutando così l'efficacia di tali politiche.
The role of the shopper within the supply chain in a omni-channel environment. Ilenia Confente
David D'Acunto
This research includes the role of the shopper within the supply chain debate understanding the impact shoppers’ perception and purchasing behaviour across the online and offline channels impact supply chain strategies. Understanding of the effect a return policy leniency has on purchase intention, adopting the theoretical framework of signaling theory. Use of an experimental design manipulating return policy leniency, the channel type and the product type. Data are analysed through PROCESS software to identify the existence of moderation and mediation effects.
Operations Management Andrea Chiarini
Operation Excellence models for manufacturing companies through Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, TQM and ISO 9001 certification
Operations Management and Industry 4.0 Andrea Chiarini
Integration between Industry 4.0 technologies and Operations
Procurement Optimization: strategic management of procurement in the supply chain Barbara Gaudenzi
Procurement optimization in international supply chain, combining efficient spend assessment, sourcing strategy development, and risk and performance assessment approaches for an international and integrated procurement strategies. Among others, one area of investigation is the management of commodity price risk and foreign exchange risk.
Supply Chain Innovative Sustainability Paola Signori
Three research projects are active on supply chain sustainability topic: Sustainable supply chain orientation (SSCO) analyses in the fashion and food industries (global wine and dairy supply chains); Research about Innovation on Sustainability (Triple Bottom Line); Research on Sustainability Supply Chain global best practice.
Supply chain (lean) agility and resilience Barbara Gaudenzi
Models and approaches for “supply chain agility” and “lean strategy” in competitive and complex scenarios characterized by vulnerability. Design of organizational models for resilient supply chain management. Performance and risk measurement systems related to Supply Chain agility and resilience
Gruppi di ricerca
Name Description URL
Brand Management Il gruppo di ricerca Brand Management si propone di analizzare i meccanismi di creazione della brand equity e della brand loyalty attraverso lo studio delle relazioni tra quest’ultime e i relativi antecedenti
Business-to-business implications in the healthcare management industry The purpose of the study conducted is to investigate the dynamics and forces operating in business-to-business, within the confines of the audiology industry in a service marketing perspective.
Choices of adoption/non-adoption of new ICT tools Il gruppo di propone di indagare, secondo modelli scientifici comprovati dalle Scienze Sociali (Business Management e Psicometria) i costrutti latenti che determinano la scelta di adozione di uno strumento legato all'Information and Communication Technologies. Il gruppo di lavoro si è focalizzato su due principali mercati: quello dell'healthcare e quello del vino.
Impresa 4.0 e digital transformation per le MPMI di Verona Il gruppo di ricerca nasce in connessione al progetto congiunto Università di Verona - Camera di Commercio I.A.A. di Verona dal titolo “Impresa 4.0 e digital transformation per le MPMI di Verona” con il fine di apportare le proprie competenze in ambito organizzativo, aziendale, di gestione dei processi produttivi e logistici, nonché di marketing online.
La gestione nella supply chain nella prospettiva dell’economia circolare Il gruppo di ricerca si occupa di esplorare, studiare e analizzare come la gestione strategica e operativa della supply chain può essere compatibile e ripensata in un’ottica del raggiungimento di obiettivi legati all’economia circolare.
L’evoluzione delle forme organizzative ICT-based Obiettivo di questo gruppo di ricerca riguarda l’approfondimento di temi relativi allo sviluppo di nuove forme organizzative derivanti dall’adozione delle tecnologie digitali e delle relative piattaforme collaborative.
Modelli di business nell’era digitale Il gruppo di ricerca Modelli di business nell’era digitale si propone di esplorare, studiare e analizzare dal punto di vista dell’impresa e del management i fenomeni legati alla digitalizzazione.
Omnicanalità, logistica dell'ultimo miglio, consumer behaviour Il gruppo di ricerca ha come obiettivo lo studio del ruolo del consumatore nel contesto della gestione della supply chain, con particolare focus sull’impatto che il comportamento di acquisto nei canali online e offline ha sullA logistica dell'ultimo miglio.
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
Analisi degli elementi abilitanti per la configurazione di business innovativi nell’ambito dell’economia circolare Ivan Russo 12/1/21 36
Hybrid Sustainable Worlds Andrea Giachetti, David Bolzonella 9/10/20 27
Resilient Logistics and Supply Chain Design (Reload): Progettazione Di Una Supply Chain e di una Logistica Resiliente Ivan Russo 9/10/20 27
Analisi strategica della Customer Satisfaction nelle relazioni B2B Barbara Gaudenzi 11/1/18 12
Closed Loop Supply Chain Ivan Russo 12/15/17 18
PROGETTO CORE-WOOD Riposizionamento competitivo della filiera del legno Ivan Russo 11/3/17 36
Analisi e gestione dei rischi nella global supply chain Barbara Gaudenzi Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals 11/1/17 12
SSCOFOOD Sustainable supply chain orientation in the food industry Paola Signori, Silvia Cantele Fondazione Cariverona 1/1/17 24
Diagnostic Tools per l'analisi della Supply Chain Simone Girelli Fondo EX 60% (2005) Diagnostic Tools per l'analisi della Supply Chain - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 7/1/05 10
Supply Chain Visibility Roadmap:un approccio migliorare la visibilità della supply chain Antonio Borghesi Fondo EX 60% (2005) Supply Chain Visibility Roadmap:un approccio migliorare la visibilità della supply chain - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 4/15/05 12
Logistica Internazionale - Global Supply Chain Management Barbara Gaudenzi 4/1/04 8
LOGISTICA INTERNAZIONALE – GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Ivan Russo Fondo EX 60% (2004) LOGISTICA INTERNAZIONALE – GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (continuazione, anno 2004) - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 4/1/04 8


Research facilities
