The research group is dedicated to creating knowledge and tools to support managerial decision-making in businesses and agri-food supply chains, promoting a sustainable consumption model and an effective transfer of knowledge to the sector.
Di seguito si ripropongono testualmente contenuti e obiettivi del gruppo di ricerca: “Since consumer awareness and understanding is a significant component of the success of the Home Medicine Review (HMR) program, the publicly available information regarding the benefits and eligibility criteria is of interest. The objective of this research group was to compare and contrast the information regarding HMRs made available for consumers from a variety of sources, using the most easily accessible channel, the internet. A thorough internet search of health professional and consumer directed information about HMRs was conducted. A content analysis of all information relevant to HMRs on two health professional sites and five consumer‑directed sites was performed and comparisons were made. Four themes were derived from the analysis: 1) Rationale for HMR, 2) HMR objectives, 3) Patient counselling, and 4) The use of medication risk factors in statements about eligibility criteria.
The research group aims to analyse the main problems and possible solutions underlying the preparation of financial statements, also in relation to the application of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS) by Italian companies.
The Brand Management group aims at analysing the brand equity and brand loyalty creation processes through the study of the relationships between these latter and their antecedents.
The purpose of the study conducted is to investigate the dynamics and forces operating in business-to-business, within the confines of the audiology industry in a service marketing perspective.
Gli obiettivi del gruppo di ricerca sono di seguito dettagliati sono consistiti nell’indagare le dinamiche e le forze che operano in relazionane ai consumatori di specifici settori, in particolare l’audiology industry, secondo una prospettiva di service management e consumer behaviour.
La ricerca è finalizzata all’esame empirico dei servizi di orientamento professionale in termini di qualità del servizio elettronico, qualità delle informazioni e valore percepito. Il gruppo esamina specificamente le percezioni degli studenti universitari sulla qualità dei servizi di orientamento allo studio e al lavoro, per esplorare gli effetti della qualità del servizio elettronico e della qualità delle informazioni sul valore percepito. Nello specifico, l’attività di Nicola Cobelli è consistita nella raccolta dati per studi quantitativi e analisi degli stessi.
The research group (supported by a grant from ESU-Arsdu Verona and the University of Verona) aims to identify the entrepreneurial mindset and entrepreneurial competences that characterize the students of the University of Verona.
Il gruppo di propone di indagare, secondo modelli scientifici comprovati dalle Scienze Sociali (Business Management e Psicometria) i costrutti latenti che determinano la scelta di adozione di uno strumento legato all'Information and Communication Technologies. Il gruppo di lavoro si è focalizzato su due principali mercati: quello dell'healthcare e quello del vino.
The research group focuses on the analysis of the business-entrepreneur-environment relations with the objective to identifying models to study the organizational behavior
The research group aims to identify a model of entrepreneurial competences in relation to the performance of SMEs in the different stages of their development.
The research group intends to investigate the competitive capacity of Italian SMEs, a type of firm that characterize the entrepreneurial structure of the country. SMEs are overall 99% of all enterprises in Italy, contributing to the generation of about 70% of the national value added and absorbing more than 80% of employees in country.
The research group intends to investigate the characteristics and problems of the management of the trade associations and the need to employ managerial tools to improve the quality of the services provided by the associations to their members.
The research group aims to analyse the contribution of governance structures and/or risk management activities developed by companies on value creation processes and on the ways of risk exposure by stakeholders.
The research group aims to investigate how services organizations - especially in the retail and hospitality industry - can improve customer experience.
The research focuses on digital and sustainability-oriented new ventures (start-ups) and their development in the medium to long term through collaborations with established traditional companies. The objective is to understand how these partnerships can foster sustainability and innovation, creating shared value and supporting established firms in addressing the challenges of the ecological and digital transition.
The International Research Group, with the participation of members from the University of Verona, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Université Catholique de Lille, and Lund University, aims to study the organizational consequences of Digital Transformation. In particular, it focuses on changes in work organization, strategic-managerial orientations, and companies' sustainability. Digital Transformation is not just a simple business process of investing in information systems, but it also concerns the ability of companies to implement its use by modifying their processes and organizational structures and also promoting a process of human capital development capable of managing the challenge that it brings.
The international research group focuses on studying the positive and negative impacts of digital transformation on environmental, economic, and social sustainability.
The Research Group “DMO – Strategic planning of tourism destinations” aims to contribute to the strategic planning and management of tourism destinations, with a particular focus on the city of Verona.
The research aims of this research group is to analyze current trends about processes of formulation and implementation of strategy in companies of various size (medium size in particular).
The research group explores several issues on the hospitals’ efficiency such as the analysis of organizational models and performance measurement with reference to public hospitals.
The research group intends to highlight which countries could be the most penalized by compliance with the new directive. In addition to this preliminary analysis, the group aims to explore the different use of these financial instruments by banks and the possibility for investors and banks to take advantage of the new regulation.
The research group acts in synergy with Punto Impresa Digitale of the Chamber of Commerce to provide answers to the digital development needs of 100 Verona’s firms and is linked to the analogous research group at the Department of Computer Science.
The research group investigates the Integrated Report (IR) as an innovative paradigm of external reporting that allows to incorporate sustainability issues in a holistic view of the company, by combining financial and non-financial information.
The project deals with the demographic change in an interdisciplinary perspective and aims to elaborate new juridical tools for this problem and for the related generational transitions.
Il gruppo di ricerca si occupa di esplorare, studiare e analizzare come la gestione strategica e operativa della supply chain può essere compatibile e ripensata in un’ottica del raggiungimento di obiettivi legati all’economia circolare.
In particular, the research group aims to identify whether the companies in the networks have obtained better financing conditions from the markets and the intermediaries.
The objective of this research group is to investigate issues related to the development of new organizational forms deriving from the adoption of digital technologies and related collaborative platforms.
The research group explores innovative supply chain strategies, focusing on sustainability, circular economy, resilience, and logistics optimization, promoting a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach.
The international research group, with the participation of members from the University of Verona, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Lund University and Bristol University, studies the impact of new technologies (e.g., social media) on the organization and management of public health. The analysis focuses in particular, on how the technological evolution of communication means has led to the emergence of organized online communities with which policymakers will have to engage increasingly. Similarly, the group aims to analyze changes in the dynamics of acceptance of new medical technologies by the community in the current context. To date, the group has focused on studying the organization of anti-vaccine online communities and the acceptance of new vaccination technologies.
The objective of the research group is to analyse the alternative ways of financing and mechanisms for the community’s engagement and to investigate the possible development of the business model of the organizations involved.
The research group Business model in the digital era aims at exploring, studying and analyzing the complex phenomenon of digitization in a business and managerial perspective.
The concept of common goods can be used to identify all those systems that provide community resources for collective use, which are vulnerable to the opportunistic (over-exploitation and / or disengaging) behavior of that community of users.
The research activity is aimed at identifying indicators (KPI) and tools to monitor the performance of the companies that adhere to the network contract.
Il gruppo di ricerca ha come obiettivo lo studio del ruolo del consumatore nel contesto della gestione della supply chain, con particolare focus sull’impatto che il comportamento di acquisto nei canali online e offline ha sullA logistica dell'ultimo miglio.
The international research group with the participation of members of the University of Verona, Université Catholique de Lille and University of Lund, has as its objective the study of the impact of Smart Cities on organizations and society as a whole. The group intends to contribute to the scientific literature by analyzing the Smart City phenomenon and its implications in order to understand its impact on sustainability and resilience.
The research group aims to investigate these entities to deepen their purpose and mission, to define their conceptual perimeter and to define their managerial characteristics.
SMACT è uno degli 8 Centri di Competenza industria 4.0 nati in Italia su impulso del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico. E' una partnership pubblico-privata che mette a sistema le competenze in ambito 4.0 della ricerca, dei provider di tecnologie e delle imprese early adopter. SMACT nasce nel Triveneto raggruppando stakeholder con capacità ed esperienza nella Digital Transformation, per permettere all’intero sistema produttivo e sociale di affrontare il futuro e creare valore.
The research group aims to investigate the phenomenon of business innovation in its many manifestations in order to better understand the nature and complexity of the managerial and organizational challenges faced by companies wishing to compete in terms of innovation.
This research group aims to measure service quality, brand equity and reputation of water utilities according to the perceptions of different stakeholders (e.g. citizens, firms, public administrations).
The international research group with the participation of members of the University of Verona, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Université Catholique de Lille and Saint Joseph University - Beirut, has as its objective the study and analysis of the consequences of Smart Working and in general of the various forms of remote working on individuals and organizations. The group conducts research on a variety of remote work-related topics, including the effects of remote working on stress, well-being, productivity, and work-life balance. The ways in which organizations can effectively manage and support remote working and the implications for leadership and worker management are also explored.
The research group aims at analysing the social, sustainability and non-financial disclosure processes and practices within different clusters of organizations.
The research group has the aim to analyse the phenomenon of business networks from the perspective of antecedents which enable the collaborative strategy and the expected outputs in terms of competitive advantages for the firms in the network; the research activity includes the analysis of network contracts, their distinctive features and their strengths and weaknesses.
L'attività di ricerca per il progetto promosso dalla Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura di Verona e dal Dipartimento di Economia Aziendale (Università degli Studi di Verona).
Through an interdisciplinary study, the aim of the research group is to analyze and evaluate the impacts that new technologies have on organizational structures and patients.
The research group aims to analyse costs and benefits of external auditing, also in relation with different national contexts and the latest regulatory reforms.
The group's contribution is to support through longitudinal studies, natural experiments and comparative analysis in the field of smart cities, to improve the understanding of various impact factors that influence the capacity for innovation, resilience, sustainability, and quality of life of citizens in the cities.
The research group operates in the research fields of corporate sustainability (CS), corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable business models (SBM), by deepening the application of sustainable development principles in the business context
Discharging accountability is important for organizations that focus their activities on public interest goods and services and need to be accountable for their actions to the community they serve, where community must be considered in a wide sense.
La ricerca si focalizza, in una prospettiva di services marketing e studio del comportamento del consumatore, sull’adozione da parte dei consumatori e la mancata adozione di farmaci generici, al fine di studiare il comportamento dei consumatori e attuare strategie di marketing volte all’adozione dei farmaci generici.
The Research Group “Tocatì – economic impact of cultural events” aims to assess the direct economic impact of Tocatì – International Festival of Games in the Streets on the city of Verona.
The research project aims to explore, through a qualitative approach, certain elements, both economic and non, in order to identify the potential and the critical aspects of crowdfunding, with particular reference to the development of this alternative fundraising mechanism in Italy.
The research group, made up of university professors and professionals in the field, wants to link the evaluation profiles to the discipline of prudential supervision, in a broad sense, to the peculiarities of the economic and financial planning of intermediaries, to risk management and to internal control systems, as well as to identify methodologically appropriate and concretely applicable approaches.
In recent years, there has been a profound transformation in the landscape of professional work. Professional firms have consolidated, growing larger and more global in scope. New organizational forms have arisen that combine professional groups, which traditionally have had strict jurisdictional boundaries.