Research interests
Topic |
Research area |
Accountability to the community |
Responsabilità sociale d'impresa ed etica aziendale
CSR, sustainability and business ethics
Digestione Anaerobica |
Biotecnologie ambientali: bioenergie, bioraffinerie e biorisanamento
Industrial biofuel production
Social accounting in historical contexts |
Storia della ragioneria
Accounting history
Performance management in hospitals |
Gestione delle performance aziendali
Performance management
Variables of efficiency in the management of public utilities |
Gestione delle performance aziendali
Performance management
Measuring and reducing the environmental impacts of wastewater treatment |
Responsabilità sociale d'impresa ed etica aziendale
CSR, sustainability and business ethics
Sustainable business models |
Responsabilità sociale d'impresa ed etica aziendale
CSR, sustainability and business ethics
Governance in water services |
Governance aziendale e strategia
Corporate governance and strategy
Religious organizations |
Storia della ragioneria
Accounting history
Produzione di bio-based compounds |
Biotecnologie ambientali: bioenergie, bioraffinerie e biorisanamento
Chemical engineering, technical chemistry
Recupero di risorse da acque reflue municipali e industriali |
Biotecnologie ambientali: bioenergie, bioraffinerie e biorisanamento
Chemical engineering, technical chemistry
Sustainability reporting and non-financial disclosure in for profit organizations |
Responsabilità sociale d'impresa ed etica aziendale
CSR, sustainability and business ethics
Benefit Corporations and B-Corp |
Responsabilità sociale d'impresa ed etica aziendale
CSR, sustainability and business ethics
Sustainability at universities |
Responsabilità sociale d'impresa ed etica aziendale
CSR, sustainability and business ethics
Stakeholder analisys |
Storia della ragioneria
Accounting history
Trattamento Acque Reflue |
Biotecnologie ambientali: bioenergie, bioraffinerie e biorisanamento
Sustainable design (for recycling, for environment, eco-design)
Trattamento di acque reflue ad alto carico |
Biotecnologie ambientali: bioenergie, bioraffinerie e biorisanamento
Chemical engineering, technical chemistry