The Brand Management group aims at analysing the brand equity and brand loyalty creation processes through the study of the relationships between these latter and their antecedents. In particular, such relationships will be also explored within the digital context with a particular focus on brand equity perception derived from the membership to the online communities.The main publications of the group are the following:
- Brunetti, F., Confente, I., Kucharska, W., & Kaufmann, H. R. (2017, September). FRAMING THE TEMPORAL DIMENSIONS OF A BRAND. In 10th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business. ID: 99827, HDL: 11562/971551.
- Confente, I.; Brunetti, F. (2017) BRAND CO-CREATION IN THE VALUE CHAIN: EVIDENCE FROM A CASE-STUDY IN THE COSMETIC INDUSTRY. In Conference Proceedings: Sinergie-SIMA “Value co-creation: management challenges for business and society”, ID: 98749, HDL: 11562/967915.
- Kucharska, W., & Confente, I. (2017). SELFIE AND PERSONAL BRANDING PHENOMENA IN THE CONTEXT OF THE NETWORK ECONOMY. A LITERATURE REVIEW. Handel Wewnętrzny, (6 (371), 161-169. hdl:11562/985787.
- Kucharska, W., Brunetti, F., Confente, I., & Mladenović, D. (2018). CELEBRITIES’ PERSONAL BRAND AUTHENTICITY IN SOCIAL MEDIA: AN APPLICATION IN THE CONTEXT OF FOOTBALL TOP-PLAYERS. THE ROBERT LEWANDOWSKI CASE. In Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Social Media ECSM (pp. 125-133). hdl:11562/985785.
- Kucharska, W.; Flisikowski, K., Confente, I. (2018), DO GLOBAL BRANDS CONTRIBUTE TO THE ECONOMY OF THEIR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN? A DYNAMIC SPATIAL APPROACH, Journal of Product and Brand Management, forthcoming.
- Sánchez-Casado, N., Confente, I., Tomaseti-Solano, E., & Brunetti, F. (2018). THE ROLE OF ONLINE BRAND COMMUNTIES ON BUILDING BRAND EQUITY AND LOYALTY THROUGH RELATIONAL BENEFITS. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 26(3), 289-308. ID: 101609 HDL: 11562/976040.