Community Engagement

Community Engagement

The university’s third mission: the commitment of the Department of Management with the territory

The relationships with local community, businesses and stakeholders play a strategic role for the Department of Management. These activities are part of the “Third Mission”, which joins the more traditional research and teaching missions.

The “Third mission” of the Department aims to specifically enhance the skills, professionalism, ideas and research results gained in the business management field in order to provide the local community with useful services of dissemination of knowledge and improvement of socio-economic development.

Over the years, the Department has built valuable and intense relationships with companies and institutions by activating various collaborations that are characterized by both the attention to local dynamics and the sharing and transfer of research results with stakeholders. More specifically, the Department has demonstrated its ability to grow and consolidate over time collaborative initiatives with companies of undoubted strategic importance for the University in various fields such as agri-food, logistics, corporate governance, public management and tourism.

Taking into account its specificities and multidisciplinary research areas, the “Third mission” of the Department is mainly directed towards:

1. research and development with stakeholders (e.g., applied research commissioned by companies and institutions),
2. initiatives of public engagement, i.e. non-profit scientific dissemination activities with educational and socio-cultural development value,
3. design of innovative continuous training and long-life learning activities in the business management field.

Locations where the Department’s Third Mission activities are carried out:

Polo Universitario Santa Marta (second floor)
Via Cantarane 24

Polo Scientifico Didattico “Studi sull’impresa”
Viale Margherita 87

Eventi di public engagement


Con l’espressione public engagement si identifica l'insieme delle attività senza scopo di lucro, con valore educativo, culturale e di sviluppo della società svolte a beneficio di pubblici diversi rispetto agli studenti, alle comunità scientifiche o alle imprese.

Collaborazioni Università e Imprese

Brochure relativa alle possibili collaborazioni tra Università e Imprese. 



Search by key words.

  • The search will find the first 100 items relevant to the key word(s).
  • The search results will show people, publications, research projects and skills within the Department.

  • ESEMPIO 1: spatial data  cerca:
    '...spatial ...<qualsiasi cosa in mezzo>... data...'
  • ESEMPIO 2: spatial, data cerca:
    '...spatial...' OR ''
  • ESEMPIO 3: spatial data, molecular cerca:
    ('...spatial ...<qualsiasi cosa in mezzo>... data...') OR 'molecular'

*Si possono inserire fino a 2 virgole; parole seguenti una terza o successive virgole verranno ignorate per evitare un appesantimento del carico del server.
È comunque sempre possibile effettuare piú interrogazioni successive.

Informazioni per il territorio
