Research groups

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

The research group is dedicated to key topics in logistics and supply chain management, with a specific focus on:

  • Procurement and strategic sourcing management;
  • Optimization, logistics service management, and sustainability in transportation and distribution;
  • Process and supply chain resilience;
  • Retail supply chain, last-mile delivery, and reverse logistics;
  • Sustainability and circular economy along the supply chain.

Our approach is based on transparent and integrated supply chain management, starting from the relationships between suppliers and customers, including logistics operators, where the consumer also plays a crucial role in designing national and international logistics processes and networks.

The group's research adopts an interdisciplinary and collaborative perspective, fostering active dialogue with the business world. Our mission is to encourage companies to view the supply chain not just as an operational process but as a strategic growth element capable of generating added and sustainable value.

Through a rigorous scientific approach that involves data collection and analysis using both qualitative and quantitative methods, the group focuses on exploring innovative strategies and practices for supply chain management. The objective is to enhance the synergy between procurement, logistics, distribution, and omnichannel processes, extending to reverse logistics management in the transition from a linear to a circular economy, contributing to improved sustainability and logistics service across the entire supply chain.

Research and intervention area of ​​the group

Contact people
Ivan Russo

Benedetta Baldi
PhD student
Ilenia Confente
Associate Professor
Valentina Mazzoli
Temporary Assistant Professor
Alessandro Rizzotti
PhD student
Chiara Sguizzardi
PhD student
Silvia Blasi
Temporary Assistant Professor
Barbara Gaudenzi
Associate Professor
Lorenzo Bruno Prataviera
Temporary Assistant Professor
Ivan Russo
Full Professor
Sara Toniolo
Temporary Assistant Professor
Topic Research area
Consumer attitudes and behaviours toward sustainability. Responsabilità sociale d'impresa ed etica aziendale
CSR, sustainability and business ethics
Business to business marketing Marketing
Circular economy and the value perception Marketing
B2B customer loyalty and supply chain management Logistica e gestione della supply chain
Logistics and supply chain management
Managing emergent risks: cyber risk and reputationl risk Gestione del rischio
Risk management
A global study of returns management Logistica e gestione della supply chain
Logistics and supply chain management
Logistics customer service Logistica e gestione della supply chain
Logistics and supply chain management
Logistics and supply chain management within the circular economy practice Logistica e gestione della supply chain
Logistics and supply chain management
M 11 Logistica – Supply Chain Management (Logistics – Supply Chain Management) Business Administration, Production Management
Managing global supply chain sustainability Marketing
Marketing B2B, customer value optimization, logistics service Marketing
Marketing B2B e customer satisfaction Marketing
Digital marketing Marketing
The role of the shopper within the supply chain in an omni-channel environment Logistica e gestione della supply chain
Logistics and supply chain management
Omnicanalità, logistica dell'ultimo miglio e comportamento del consumatore Logistica e gestione della supply chain
Logistics and supply chain management
The role of the shopper within the supply chain in a omni-channel environment. Logistica e gestione della supply chain
Logistics and supply chain management
Procurement Optimization: strategic management of procurement in the supply chain Logistica e gestione della supply chain
Logistics and supply chain management
Strategic risk management in the companies Gestione del rischio
Risk management
Social media marketing Marketing
Omni-channel strategy and retailing Marketing
Supply chain (lean) agility and resilience Logistica e gestione della supply chain
Logistics and supply chain management
Supply chain risk management Gestione del rischio
Risk management
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
Resilient Logistics and Supply Chain Design (Reload): Progettazione Di Una Supply Chain e di una Logistica Resiliente Ivan Russo Sep 10, 2020 27


Research facilities
