The research group, made up of university professors and professionals in the field, wants to link the evaluation profiles to the discipline of prudential supervision, in a broad sense, to the peculiarities of the economic and financial planning of intermediaries, to risk management and to internal control systems, as well as to identify methodologically appropriate and concretely applicable approaches. In addition, it aims to examine the specificities of the evaluation of the various categories of intermediaries (evaluating a bank, rather than a SIM or an SGR, requires specific attention to the underlying business by adapting the valuation models), and to introduce sustainability and Integrated Reporting in the assessment of the bank. This research activities are supported by analysis of the national and international literature about the corporate valuation topic. In 2018, the activity of the research group led to the publication of the volume “La valutazione delle banche e degli altri intermediari finanziari” published by Egea and edited by Prof. Michele Rutigliano, full professor of Department of Business Administration at University of Verona until 2017. The main pubblication of the group are the following:
- Betti, Francesco; Carluccio, Emanuele Maria, La valutazione delle società di gestione del risparmio, in La valutazione delle banche e degli altri intermediari finanziari, EGEA, 2018, pp. 249-304.
- Bottiglia, Roberto, Fondi propri e adeguatezza patrimoniale nel processo di valutazione degli intermediari finanziari, in La valutazione delle banche e degli altri intermediari finanziari, EGEA, 2018, pp. 31-61.
- Carluccio, Emanuele Maria; Demartini, Enrico, La valutazione delle società di intermediazione mobiliare, in La valutazione delle banche e degli altri intermediari finanziari, EGEA, 2018, pp. 305-358.
- Faccincani, Lorenzo, I criteri di valutazione d’azienda: un quadro d’insieme, in La valutazione delle banche e degli altri intermediari finanziari, EGEA, 2018, pp. 1-30.