Romina Fuca'

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Born in San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy, on August 23, 1970, and first in her class in Political Science at graduation from the University of Palermo in 1997, Dr. Romina Fucà holds a doctorate in Systems Theory from the University of Macerata, Italy. Since the 2000s, she has researched totalitarianism in the postwar period. She has gradually developed insights into probability and conditionalities in subjective preferences, with philosophical approaches to decision-making in human affairs when it is strongly vulnerable to and at the same time boosted by uncertainties. Between 2017 and 2018, she published three online sociological works with Aracne Editrice in Rome, “Curbanismo,” “Modeling e decision-making,” and “L’evoluzione dell’urbanesimo nelle Emergenze”. Her latest online book is “Schengen and the cross-border operations in Europe. Security systems and the EU borders,” published in December 2019. She is an external collaborator for learning in “Business Management” at the School of Economics and Management, University of Verona, 37129 VR, Italy ( Since 2019, she has been a volunteer submission reviewer on the board for Sustainability, one of the many academic journals produced by the open-access publisher MDPI (­ty/submission­_reviewers). She is a peer reviewer of Journal of Information Analysis (JIA, ISSN: 2959-1295). Since July 2023 she is a Reviewer of International Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (IJEBO) ISSN Print: 2328-7608; ISSN Outline: 2328-7616. Since April 2022, she has been a featured reviewer at Computing Reviews, produced by the Association for Computing Machinery and ThinkLoud, Inc., as Web of Science Researcher ID O-5395-2019 (ORCID; semantic scholar ID 167802695425) and Scopus Author ID 57205454690 (


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