Masters in Economics and Company Management (cat. 84/S)

Course modules

Course not running

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First semester from 9/25/02 to 12/21/02
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
4° 5° Company Review II Paolo Roffia

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
Accounting for Capital Marketing Bettina Campedelli (Coordinator)
Consolidated Balance Antonio Tessitore
Accounting and Company Budgeting Giuseppe Ceriani (Coordinator)
Competition Law (brands, distinctive signals, industrial inventions) Giampaolo Dalle Vedove
International Exchange Economics Giovanni Tondini
Corporate Governance and Financial Equilibrium of Groups of Firms Alessandro Lai
Agroindustrial System Economics Pietro Berni
Information Technology for Company Management Cecilia Rossignoli
International economic policy Angelo Ferro (Coordinator)
Operations Research Francesco Rossi
Corporate Strategy and Business Policy Giuseppe Bruni
Productive Cycle Technology I Vladimiro Ballini
The theory of value creation within firms Antonio Tessitore (Coordinator)
Strategic Analysis not yet allocated
Fiscal Cases not yet allocated
Company and Taxation Criminal Law not yet allocated
Management and accounting for nonprofit organizations not yet allocated
Corporate finance Roberto Bottiglia
Principles of Public Company Management not yet allocated
Networks and Cooperative Agreements not yet allocated
Risk Management not yet allocated
Managerial Decisions and Company Ethics not yet allocated
Internal Control Systems not yet allocated
History of Management not yet allocated

Further didactic activities
