Masters in Applied Economics (cat. 64/S)

Course modules

Course not running

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1st Semester from 10/4/04 to 12/18/04
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
C Analyses of territorial and geographical information systems Francesco Pecci
C Transport and Network Economics Cesare Enrico Surano
C Economics of Technological Change Enzo Fabio Arcangeli
C Economics of Education Giandemetrio Marangoni
C Nonprofit Sector Economics Luca Zarri
B Economics and environment regulation Elisa Montresor
B Game theory applied to Economics Angelo Zago

2nd Semester from 2/28/05 to 5/28/05
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Cultural Asset Economics Cristina Spiller
B Family Economics Federico Perali
B Local Public Economics Alberto Mingarelli (Coordinator)
B Applied Macroeconomics Giam Pietro Cipriani

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Health Economics not yet allocated

Further didactic activities
