Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Economics (category 17)(Vicenza) (until 2008-2009)

Course modules

Course not running

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Primo semestre from 10/1/07 to 12/21/07
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Small-Medium Enterprise Management Federico Brunetti (Coordinator)
B Analysis and costs accounting Paolo Roffia (Coordinator)
B Principles of taxation Giovanni Alduino Ventimiglia
C Organization Studies Lapo Mola
B Professional Techniques for the Small and Medium sized companies Paolo Roffia (Coordinator)

(Vicenza - S. Maria Nova, Contrà Mure S. Rocco n° 41, 36100 Vicenza - Tel. 0444-228911 - Fax. 0444-228930 - E-mail Primo semestre from 10/1/07 to 12/21/07
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A Business administration Corrado Corsi
A Macroeconomics Giovanni Tondini
C Economic history not yet allocated
B Marketing (fundamentals) not yet allocated
B Accounting I (Financial Statement) not yet allocated
C Seminars/Workshops Hadley Taylor
B Basis of Business Law Philipp Fabbio
B Mathematics for Economic-Financial Decisions Bruno Giacomello

Secondo semestre from 2/18/08 to 5/24/08
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A Private Law Igino Grendene (Coordinator)
B Accounting II (Financial Statement) Silvano Corbella (Coordinator)
C Elements of Financial Science Giulio Noris
C Small business financial management Michele Rutigliano
B Planning and Checking in Small and Medium sized companies (PMI) Silvia Cantele (Coordinator)

(Vicenza - S. Maria Nova, Contrà Mure S. Rocco n° 41, 36100 Vicenza - Tel. 0444-228911 - Fax. 0444-228930 - E-mail Secondo semestre from 2/18/08 to 5/24/08
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B The Institutions of Public Law and Economy Law not yet allocated
E English (with linguistic laboratory) Flavio Andreis
A Mathematics not yet allocated
A Basis of Microeconomics not yet allocated
B Introduction to statistics not yet allocated

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
F Basic Information Technology Skills Nicola Fausto Spoto

Further didactic activities
