Master I in Integrated Logistics and Supply Chain Management


Course modules

Course Not running, not visible

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List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
- Autotrasporti, multimodalita' not yet allocated
- Balanced scorecard – benchmarking - business intelligence not yet allocated
- Case Study not yet allocated
- Case study - i not yet allocated
- Case study II not yet allocated
- Casi applicati sulle differenti modalita' di trasporto not yet allocated
- Collaborazione lungo la supply chain: casi ed esperienze not yet allocated
- Contrattualistica - case study not yet allocated
- Cross funcional integration: casi - i not yet allocated
- Cross funcional integration: casi - ii not yet allocated
- Demand management/ forecasting not yet allocated
- Gestione scorte not yet allocated
- Global SCM - Global returns management sistemi di misurazione dei KPIs e applicazioni pratiche not yet allocated
- Global supply chain management and supply chain risk management not yet allocated
- Green logistics e supply chain sustainability not yet allocated
- Il processo di acquisto. Applicazioni pratiche. not yet allocated
- Incoterms not yet allocated
- Introduzione alla logistica not yet allocated
- Logistica in entrata not yet allocated
- Manufacturing flow management not yet allocated
- Material handling e warehouse management: nuovi trend e soluzioni not yet allocated
- Operations management not yet allocated
- Operations management: casi ed esperienze aziendali not yet allocated
- Ottimizzazione del network distributivo not yet allocated
- Outsourcing - problematiche e opportunita' - 3 pl e 4 pl not yet allocated
- Pianificazione dei trasporti in europa e italia e trasporto ferroviario: casi not yet allocated
- Process mapping not yet allocated
- Procurement, E-procurement vendor rating, Spend management not yet allocated
- Produzione - lean production, toyota way/ tps not yet allocated
- Final exam not yet allocated
- Relationship management nella supply chain - dal forecast alla fattura not yet allocated
- Role plays e casi di studio - i not yet allocated
- Role plays e casi di studio - ii not yet allocated
- Role plays e casi di studio - iii not yet allocated
- Role plays e casi di studio - iv not yet allocated
- Role plays e casi di studio - v not yet allocated
- Role plays e casi di studio - vi not yet allocated
- Role plays e casi di studio vii not yet allocated
- Soluzioni informatiche per la logistica - case study not yet allocated
- Stage e/o project work not yet allocated
- Supply chain risk management not yet allocated
- Testimonianza di un operatore logistico - casi not yet allocated
- Trasporti aerei - air cargo economics & operations not yet allocated
- Trasporti ferroviari e marittimi not yet allocated

Further didactic activities
