Innovation management

The Innovation Management research area studies the innovative paths of firms, with particular attention to product, process and organizational innovation. Specific attention is also paid to the less “visible” forms of innovation that are typical of the SMEs. This research area investigates innovative firms, strategic players in technology transfer processes and approaches to innovation in SMEs, paying particular attention to new emerging forms of innovation including social innovation and frugal innovation. Qualitative research methods, such as interviews, focus groups and case study analysis are used.
Elena Giaretta
Full Professor
Chiara Rossato
Assistant Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Innovation management standard compliant  Scimago
Social innovation Elena Giaretta
Definition of the dimensions of social innovation. Study of the models of circular, environmental and frugal innovations and of the linkages among them. Applications of grassroot models and of inclusive innovation to firms operating in the Western world. Application of social innovation to specific industries.
The features of innovative firms Elena Giaretta
Analysis of best practices of innovative firms to identify shared features. Statistical analysis of secondary data to collect approaches to innovation. Mapping of firms based on innovation’s nature. Identification of territorial approaches to innovation. Data collection through web analysis, Delphi method and interviews.
New forms of innovation management Chiara Rossato
Study of the different meanings attributed to the concept of innovation by researchers, by startup entrepreneurs and by historical companies entrepreneurs. In-depth study of new emerging forms of innovation: from social innovation to invisible innovation.
Managerial practices of knowledge sharing Elena Giaretta
Analysis of knowledge sharing processes within different types of firms. Evaluation of the impacts of information and communication technology tools and of the leadership role on knowledge sharing. Survey of the leaders’ and team members’ perceived effectiveness of managerial practices of knowledge sharing.
Technology transfer processes to small firms Elena Giaretta
Study of small firms’ approaches to innovation. Statistical analysis of secondary data to collect the approaches to innovation within small firms. Identification of the strategic actors of technology transfer processes. Analysis of technology transfer processes to identify relational barriers among actors.
Techniques to develop creativity and design thinking Elena Giaretta
Analysis of the principles on which the tecniques to develop creativity draw. Analysis of the drivers of creativity through the study of historical characters’ profiles. Categorization of personal, team and organizational creativity. Study of the design thinking techniques to develop organizations’ creativity and to solve problems.
Gruppi di ricerca
Name Description URL
Competitività delle PMI Il gruppo di ricerca si propone di indagare la capacità competitiva delle Piccole e Medie Imprese Italiane che connotano il tessuto imprenditoriale del Paese costituendo nel complesso il 99% del totale delle imprese, contribuendo alla generazione di circa il 70% del valore aggiunto nazionale e assorbendo oltre l’80% degli addetti presenti in Italia.
Percorsi di innovazione aziendale Il gruppo di ricerca si propone di approfondire il fenomeno dell’innovazione aziendale nelle sue molteplici manifestazioni al fine di comprendere meglio la natura e la complessità delle sfide manageriali e organizzative che devono affrontare le imprese che desiderano competere in termini di innovazione.
Vitalità e longevità d’impresa Il gruppo di ricerca si propone di indagare il fenomeno della longevità d’impresa strettamente collegato alla vitalità che la stessa riesce ad esprimere.
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
L’etichetta intelligente come strumento di garanzia nel rapporto fiduciario azienda-cliente per i vini Igt Veneti di alta qualità. SMA.LA.WI. Diego Begalli, Alessandro Zardini 4/1/19 36
#BIT, Business Innovation & digital Transformation Paola Signori Polo Scientifico Didattico Studi sull’Impresa, in collaborazione con la Fondazione Studi Universitari di Vicenza - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 1/1/17 14
SME and Academia Partnership to address Digital Mobility Barrier issues for SMEs in Logistic and Supply Chain Technologies Ivan Russo Commissione europea – VII PQ 12/1/10 48


Research facilities
