
The Marketing research area studies the relationships between the firm and its customers both in business-to-consumer and in business-to-business markets. The studies focus both on the customers, examining their needs, expectations, satisfaction and loyalty, and on the firm’s marketing strategies and activities aimed to understand, segment, involve and satisfy the customer. Specific theoretical research activities are carried out about brand management, corporate identity and reputation, communication and events, involving also aspects related to sustainability. In addition, the use of social media and of the other digital marketing tools together with their social impact are analysed. Omnichannel issues are addressed as well, investigating consumer behaviour across online and offline marketing channels. The marketing research activity encompasses also the study of international markets. Specific research activities are devoted to the study of food and wine firms’ marketing and communication strategies. Qualitative research methods, such as data collections based on in-depth interviews and focus groups, and quantitative research methods, such as questionnaire-based surveys, as well as experiments are used.
Claudia Bazzani
Associate Professor
Diego Begalli
Full Professor
Federico Brunetti
Full Professor
Roberta Capitello
Full Professor
Fabio Cassia
Associate Professor
Nicola Cobelli
Associate Professor
Ilenia Confente
Associate Professor
David D'Acunto
Temporary Assistant Professor
Barbara Gaudenzi
Associate Professor
Elena Claire Ricci
Associate Professor
Ivan Russo
Full Professor
Katia Laura Sidali
Associate Professor
Paola Signori
Full Professor
Marta Maria Ugolini
Full Professor
Vania Vigolo
Associate Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Marketing standard compliant  Scimago
Corporate identity congruence analysis Paola Signori
This research stream focuses on Corporate Identity congruence (CIC) analysis methods, adopting semiotic analysis to determine the fit between multiple core meanings that represent a corporate identity. The CIC assessment tool provides and tests processes for assessing how well top managers conceptualize and communicate numerous concepts that simultaneously represent the corporation identity.
Branding Marta Maria Ugolini
Study of the branding strategies adopted by firms both in business-to-consumer (B2C) and in business-to-business (B2B) markets and of their effectiveness. Specific focus on service branding, component branding and impacts on product crises on brands. Study of the relationships between brand perceptions and customer loyalty. Use of both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Business-to-business branding Fabio Cassia
Nicola Cobelli
Study of the generalizability of branding principles from business-to-consumer (B2C) markets to business-to-business (B2B) markets. Identification of branding strategies suitable for firms operating in business-to-business markets (for example, the component branding strategy). Analysis of the impacts that service-related and goods-related brand image has on industrial customer loyalty. Use of both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Business to business management Nicola Cobelli
Study of the branding strategies adopted by firms both in business-to-consumer (B2C) and in business-to-business (B2B) markets and of their effectiveness. Specific focus on service branding, component branding and impacts on product crises on brands. Study of the relationships between brand perceptions and customer loyalty. Use of both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Business to business marketing Ivan Russo
Analysis of value creation and perception mechanisms in a business-to-business context, with a particular focus on intermediaries’ perception. Specifically, the study uses the servitization approach in order to understand the development of this trend among manufacturers. Moreover, understanding customer loyalty across a complex, longer and digital supply chain in the B2B context can be of particular help in today’s changing and highly competitive business environment because it allows a way for understanding and anticipating customers’ current and future needs in the era of omnichannel.
Wine and food marketing Claudia Bazzani
Elena Claire Ricci
Winegrower’s management strategy; role of geographical brands in emerging wine markets; consumer segmentation in food and wine markets; marketing strategies in food and wine business; food marketing strategy in emerging countries; agri-food business communication; digital marketing and communication in food and wine industries; qualitative research methods; quantitative research methods, experimental methods; advertisement and communication strategies; branding strategies; sustainability and food and wine marketing strategies.
Country-of-origin effect and international markets Vania Vigolo
Study of customers’ perceptions about Italian products and brands available in international markets. Exploration of the impact of country-of-origin effect on consumers’ purchase behavior. Analysis and definition of competitive strategies for international markets.
Customer education Federico Brunetti
Customer education as new component of a firm’s offering to consumers. Customer education as an antecedent of customer satisfaction. Applied analysis of customer education in the opera industry. Application of the customer education to knowledge-intensive industries.
Circular economy and the value perception Ilenia Confente
David D'Acunto
Ivan Russo
Analysis of consumers’ perception towards a new product type, “bio based”, deriving from recycled plastic under the lens of circular economy. Study of the purchase and switching intention towards such product adopting an experimental design
Enterprise 4.0 and digital transformation Nicola Cobelli
Enterprise 4.0 technologies are transforming the way we do business and represent the beginning of a technological and cultural revolution. ‘Digital transformation’ is not limited to particularly innovative businesses or to young digital start-ups but is a process that potentially embraces companies of all sizes and operating in all markets. In order to support businesses with digital transformation 4.0, many public and private organizations promote the dissemination of digital services that can add value to businesses, increasing their awareness both of possible solutions and their benefits and of the risks associated with failing to use digital technologies.
International business development Fabio Cassia
Study of firm’s international marketing strategies. Analysis of both strategic and operational decisions about: modes and timing of foreign marketing entry; development of sales and distribution networks; product; price; communication; cross-cultural aspects. Specific focus of emerging markets.
Managing global supply chain sustainability Ivan Russo
A prolific stream of international business research, for instance, has unearthed the national and corporate cultural as well as country governance complexities with which that corporations must consider. Many experience a great difficulty implementing Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) even when they do commit resources. Global Industry studies reveal that implementing SSCM in practice remains one of the key struggles faced by organizational decision-makers. The objective of this research is to gain a better understanding of how managers perceive, process, react to, and contend with managing sustainability initiatives with their global suppliers.
Wine and food marketing Claudia Bazzani
Diego Begalli
Roberta Capitello
Elena Claire Ricci
Katia Laura Sidali
Wine business strategy; role of geographical indications on emerging wine markets; market segmentation of wine and food consumers; food and wine marketing strategy; food and wine strategy in emerging import countries; communication strategy in the agri-food and wine business; digital marketing and communication in the agri-food and wine business; qualitative research methods; quantitative research method; experimental analysis; brand strategies; sustainability in the food and wine industries.
Marketing B2B, customer value optimization, logistics service Barbara Gaudenzi
Relationship management along the supply chain, in a B2B perspective, with a particular focus on network management and supply chain management. Measurement and planning of customer service, logistics service quality, customer value creation, management of the total cost of ownership.
Marketing B2B e customer satisfaction Barbara Gaudenzi
Analysis and implementation of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty measurement approaches, particularly in B2B contexts. Definiton and management of an integrated customer service strategy, and the definiton of the related logistics and service agreements.
Digital marketing Ilenia Confente
David D'Acunto
Analysis of the relationship between consumer’ buying experience and the willingness to widespread WOM, plus the impact WOM has on purchase intention, with a particular focus on electronic WOM across different contexts (e.g. tourism, logistics and customer service). This research stream collects data via surveys and data analysis through regression models.
Digital marketing e social impact Paola Signori
This research stream focuses on sustainability digital marketing that aims to improve social impact of service eco-systems. Adopting a mix of research methods (field and scenario based experiments, data mining, big data analysis algorithms) to discover values and meanings in social media interactions, this research domain will help in suggesting how to motivate different stakeholders to boost active online engagement for improving social impact.
Relationship marketing in networks Paola Signori
This relationship marketing in networks research area is studied in terms of: marketing of networks and network branding (to highlight benefits and sacrifices of different network brand models); peculiarities of Italian SME’s relationship marketing approaches; the nature of B2B Clustering (to understand how and why organizations form clusters for collective and individual success).
Social media Federico Brunetti
Analysis of the effects of brands’ presence on social media - in terms of savings, identification, social interaction, enjoyment, discovery offered to consumers - on purchase intentions and on word-of-mouth to other consumers.
Social media marketing Ilenia Confente
David D'Acunto
Analysis of perceived benefits, particularly relational benefits, derived from being members of online communities belonging to different social media. Specifically, the research aims at explore the role of such benefits on brand value and on customer loyalty creation. This study adopts data collection via surveys and data analysis via Structural Equation Models.
Omni-channel strategy and retailing Ilenia Confente
Ivan Russo
Analysis of shoppers’ behaviour across online and offline contest under the lens of both marketing and supply chain management. This research aims at understanding the effect a return policy leniency has on purchase intention, adopting the theoretical framework of signaling theory. This has been realized via an experimental design maniputaling return policy leniency, the channel type and the product type. Data have been analysed through PROCESS software to identify the existence of moderation and mediation effects.
Branding strategies Vania Vigolo
Study of branding strategies from a business-to-consumer and a business-to business perspective. Application of brand identity, brand image and self-congruity models to define brand positioning and differentiation. Analysis of corporate brand reputation based on both qualitative methods (e.g. in-depth interviews, focus groups) and quantitative methods (e.g. surveys with structured questionnaires).
Gruppi di ricerca
Name Description URL
Australian Home Medicine Review Di seguito si ripropongono testualmente contenuti e obiettivi del gruppo di ricerca: “Since consumer awareness and understanding is a significant component of the success of the Home Medicine Review (HMR) program, the publicly available information regarding the benefits and eligibility criteria is of interest. The objective of this research group was to compare and contrast the information regarding HMRs made available for consumers from a variety of sources, using the most easily accessible channel, the internet. A thorough internet search of health professional and consumer directed information about HMRs was conducted. A content analysis of all information relevant to HMRs on two health professional sites and five consumer‑directed sites was performed and comparisons were made. Four themes were derived from the analysis: 1) Rationale for HMR, 2) HMR objectives, 3) Patient counselling, and 4) The use of medication risk factors in statements about eligibility criteria.
Brand Management Il gruppo di ricerca Brand Management si propone di analizzare i meccanismi di creazione della brand equity e della brand loyalty attraverso lo studio delle relazioni tra quest’ultime e i relativi antecedenti
Business-to-business implications in the healthcare management industry The purpose of the study conducted is to investigate the dynamics and forces operating in business-to-business, within the confines of the audiology industry in a service marketing perspective.
Business-to-consumer studies in the healthcare management industry Gli obiettivi del gruppo di ricerca sono di seguito dettagliati sono consistiti nell’indagare le dinamiche e le forze che operano in relazionane ai consumatori di specifici settori, in particolare l’audiology industry, secondo una prospettiva di service management e consumer behaviour.
Carreer orientation services La ricerca è finalizzata all’esame empirico dei servizi di orientamento professionale in termini di qualità del servizio elettronico, qualità delle informazioni e valore percepito. Il gruppo esamina specificamente le percezioni degli studenti universitari sulla qualità dei servizi di orientamento allo studio e al lavoro, per esplorare gli effetti della qualità del servizio elettronico e della qualità delle informazioni sul valore percepito. Nello specifico, l’attività di Nicola Cobelli è consistita nella raccolta dati per studi quantitativi e analisi degli stessi.
Catena del valore e sostenibilità nei sistemi agroalimentari e vitivinicoli Il gruppo di ricerca è attivo nei temi attinenti l’area di ricerca “Agricultural and Resource Economics”.
Choices of adoption/non-adoption of new ICT tools Il gruppo di propone di indagare, secondo modelli scientifici comprovati dalle Scienze Sociali (Business Management e Psicometria) i costrutti latenti che determinano la scelta di adozione di uno strumento legato all'Information and Communication Technologies. Il gruppo di lavoro si è focalizzato su due principali mercati: quello dell'healthcare e quello del vino.
Confartigianato: profilo e bisogni di servizi degli associati Il gruppo di ricerca si propone di indagare le caratteristiche e problematiche del management delle associazioni di categoria e la necessità di impiegare strumenti manageriali per migliorare la qualità dei servizi erogati dalle associazioni di categoria ai propri associati.
Customer experience nei servizi Il gruppo di ricerca si propone di indagare come le imprese di servizi, tra cui in particolare quelle operanti nei settori del retail e dell’hospitality, cerchino di migliorare la customer experience
DMO - Pianificazione strategica nelle località turistiche Il gruppo di ricerca “DMO - Pianificazione strategica nelle località turistiche” si propone di contribuire alla pianificazione strategica e la gestione delle destinazioni turistiche, con particolare riferimento alla città di Verona
Impresa 4.0 e digital transformation per le MPMI di Verona Il gruppo di ricerca nasce in connessione al progetto congiunto Università di Verona - Camera di Commercio I.A.A. di Verona dal titolo “Impresa 4.0 e digital transformation per le MPMI di Verona” con il fine di apportare le proprie competenze in ambito organizzativo, aziendale, di gestione dei processi produttivi e logistici, nonché di marketing online.
La gestione nella supply chain nella prospettiva dell’economia circolare Il gruppo di ricerca si occupa di esplorare, studiare e analizzare come la gestione strategica e operativa della supply chain può essere compatibile e ripensata in un’ottica del raggiungimento di obiettivi legati all’economia circolare.
L’evoluzione delle forme organizzative ICT-based Obiettivo di questo gruppo di ricerca riguarda l’approfondimento di temi relativi allo sviluppo di nuove forme organizzative derivanti dall’adozione delle tecnologie digitali e delle relative piattaforme collaborative.
Modelli di business nell’era digitale Il gruppo di ricerca Modelli di business nell’era digitale si propone di esplorare, studiare e analizzare dal punto di vista dell’impresa e del management i fenomeni legati alla digitalizzazione.
Omnicanalità, logistica dell'ultimo miglio, consumer behaviour Il gruppo di ricerca ha come obiettivo lo studio del ruolo del consumatore nel contesto della gestione della supply chain, con particolare focus sull’impatto che il comportamento di acquisto nei canali online e offline ha sullA logistica dell'ultimo miglio.
Percorsi di innovazione aziendale Il gruppo di ricerca si propone di approfondire il fenomeno dell’innovazione aziendale nelle sue molteplici manifestazioni al fine di comprendere meglio la natura e la complessità delle sfide manageriali e organizzative che devono affrontare le imprese che desiderano competere in termini di innovazione.
Qualità del servizio, brand equity e reputazione dei gestori idrici Questo gruppo di ricerca si propone di misurare la qualità del servizio erogato, la brand equity e la reputazione dei gestori idrici a partire dalle percezioni di diversi stakeholder (es. cittadini, imprese, amministrazioni pubbliche).
Ricerca sulle politiche di marca delle imprese nel Veronese L'attività di ricerca per il progetto promosso dalla Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura di Verona e dal Dipartimento di Economia Aziendale (Università degli Studi di Verona).
Sharing economy nel turismo
Studies on generic medicines adoption La ricerca si focalizza, in una prospettiva di services marketing e studio del comportamento del consumatore, sull’adozione da parte dei consumatori e la mancata adozione di farmaci generici, al fine di studiare il comportamento dei consumatori e attuare strategie di marketing volte all’adozione dei farmaci generici.
Tocatì - impatto economico degli eventi culturali Il gruppo di ricerca “Tocatì - impatto economico degli eventi culturali” si propone di valutare l’impatto economico diretto netto del Tocatì - Festival Internazionale dei Giochi in Strada sulla città di Verona, sviluppando al contempo un metodo replicabile per stimare gli impatti degli eventi culturali
Vocational Studies In recent years, there has been a profound transformation in the landscape of professional work. Professional firms have consolidated, growing larger and more global in scope. New organizational forms have arisen that combine professional groups, which traditionally have had strict jurisdictional boundaries.
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
L’etichetta intelligente come strumento di garanzia nel rapporto fiduciario azienda-cliente per i vini Igt Veneti di alta qualità. SMA.LA.WI. Diego Begalli, Alessandro Zardini 4/1/19 36
Analisi strategica della Customer Satisfaction nelle relazioni B2B Barbara Gaudenzi 11/1/18 12


Research facilities
