LOOP Research Center

economia circolare

One of the most significant challenges for companies and public administrations is to innovatively adopt the Circular Economy paradigm and apply it to the entire supply chain and business models.

The Center for Research and Innovation on Circular Economy - LOOP Research Center - was conceived as a place for scientific study to activate, develop and support the upgrading of professional skills, aiming to improve the competitiveness of enterprises and the public system in the context of new economic paradigms. The inaugural workshop will take place on November 15, 2024, at 9:30 AM, at the Santa Marta campus of the University of Verona. It will be an opportunity to learn more about the Center and explore the opportunities the circular economy offers to businesses and public administrations.

In recent years, the Department of Management (DIMA) of the University of Verona has developed specific competencies in the field of business and management and in this area and through the LOOP Research Center, it aims to pursue two objectives: development of scientific research and dissemination and transfer of innovative practices.

LOOP aims to be

  • a clearly identifiable link between researchers, businesses and local authorities;
  • a place for rigorous, internationally competitive scientific research that shares results with companies;
  • a place of learning and involvement for businesses and students, as well as development and participation in scientific ideas/projects.

LOOP is structured into three LABs, each with its own specific scientific and applicative scope:

  1. LAB circular supply chain management: focuses on supply chain management processes involving supplier and procurement management, product development, its production, marketing and distribution, business logistics and reverse logistics; on research related to the implementation of circular model strategies and practices such as closing, slowing, dematerializing, intensifying and narrowing loops.
  2. LAB circular products & services: works on understanding how to develop, promote, and market circular products and services by exploring the decision-making processes of end-consumers (B2C) and corporate purchasing professionals (B2B) to study the drivers and barriers that influence circular product and service choices and the effectiveness of communication and marketing strategies.
  3. LAB Sustainability Governance: Conducts research on the role of governing bodies and management in formulating and conveying a strategic approach to sustainability, on sustainability planning, its implementation, and measurement in support of circular and sustainable business models.
Benedetta Baldi
Collaboratrice LAB Circular Supply Chain Management
Claudia Bazzani
Componente LAB Circular Products & Services
Silvia Blasi
Componente LAB Circular Supply Chain Management
Angelo Bonfanti
Componente LAB Sustainable Governance
Federico Brunetti
Componente LAB Circular Products & Services
Bettina Campedelli
Componente LAB Sustainable Governance
Silvia Cantele
Responsabile LAB Sustainable Governance
Roberta Capitello
Componente LAB Circular Products & Services
Paola Castellani
Componente LAB Sustainable Governance
Mariella Colantoni
Collaboratrice LAB Sustainable Governance
Ilenia Confente
Responsabile LAB Circular Supply Chain Management
David D'Acunto
Componente LAB Circular Products & Services
Alessandra Da Ros
Collaboratrice LAB Sustainable Governance
Veronica De Crescenzo
Componente LAB Sustainable Governance
Anna D'Este
Project Manager
Matilde D'Onofrio
Collaboratrice LAB Sustainable Governance
Latansa Izzata Dien Elam
Collaboratrice LAB Circular Products & Services
Cristina Florio
Componente LAB Sustainable Governance
Barbara Gaudenzi
Componente LAB Circular Supply Chain Management
Elena Giaretta
Componente LAB Circular Products & Services
Alessandro Lai
Componente LAB Sustainable Governance
Stefano Landi
Componente LAB Sustainable Governance
Chiara Leardini
Componente LAB Sustainable Governance
Gianluca Maistri
Collaboratore LAB Sustainable Governance
Valentina Mazzoli
Componente LAB Circular Supply Chain Management
Giorgio Mion
Componente LAB Sustainable Governance
Lapo Mola
Componente LAB Circular Supply Chain Management
Sonia Morandi
Collaboratrice LAB Circular Products & Services
Luca Piubello Orsini
Collaboratore LAB Sustainable Governance
Elena Claire Ricci
Responsabile LAB Circular Products & Services
Vincenzo Riso
Componente LAB Sustainable Governance
Alessandro Rizzotti
Collaboratore LAB Circular Supply Chain Management
Paolo Roffia
Componente LAB Sustainable Governance
Chiara Rossato
Componente LAB Sustainable Governance
Francesca Rossignoli
Componente LAB Sustainable Governance
Cecilia Rossignoli
Componente LAB Circular Supply Chain Management
Caterina Rota
Collaboratrice LAB Circular Supply Chain Management
Ivan Russo
Direttore scientifico
Chiara Sguizzardi
Collaboratrice LAB Circular Supply Chain Management
Sara Speri
Collaboratrice LAB Circular Products & Services
Riccardo Stacchezzini
Componente LAB Sustainable Governance
Sara Toniolo
Componente LAB Circular Supply Chain Management
Silvia Valcozzena
Collaboratrice LAB Sustainable Governance
Vania Vigolo
Componente LAB Circular Products & Services
Alessia Zoppelletto
Collaboratrice LAB Circular Supply Chain Management
Lisa Zuccari
Collaboratrice LAB Circular Products & Services

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