Research groups

Business-to-business implications in the healthcare management industry

L'attività di ricerca ha consentito di giungere a svariate pubblicazioni:

(a) Russo I., Confente I., Gligor D.M., Cobelli N., “A roadmap for applying qualitative comparative analysis in supply chain research: The reverse supply chain case”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management (forthcoming), ISSN: 0960-0035 (research article - range A ASN; SJR Q1 Business and International Management; 2017 Impact Factor: 4.215; H Index 85).

(b) Russo I., Confente I., Gligor D.M., Cobelli, N., “The combined effect of product returns experience and switching costs on B2B customer re-purchase intent”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, vol. 32, n. 5, 2017, pp. 664-676, ISSN 0885-8624 (research article - range A ASN; SJR Q1 Business and International Management; H Index 52.

(c) Cobelli N., Confente I., Russo I., “Entrepreneurial initiatives, organizational performance and value co-creation: Evidence from a B2B context”, in Kaufmann H., Shams R.S.M. (Eds.), Entrepreneurial challenges in the 21st century: Creating stakeholder value co-creation, Palgrave, 2015, pp. 155-177, ISBN 9781137479761 (book chapter).

(d) Russo I., Confente I., Cobelli N., “Searching for value drivers in the Business-to-Business marketing: the perception of healthcare professionals”, Proceedings, 43rd EMAC Annual Conference, Valencia, Spain, 3-6 June 2014, pp. 104.114, ISBN: 9788437094533 (article included in the Proceedings of the conference).

(e) Russo I., Confente I., Cobelli N., “Customer perceived value in business-to-business marketing: Is it still enough?”, Proceedings, 7th EuroMed Annual Conference, Kristiansand, Norway, 18-19 September 2014, pp. 1347-1357, ISBN: 9789963711277 (article included in the Proceedings of the conference).

(f) Cobelli N., “Elementi di economia d’impresa”, in Ambrosetti U. (Ed.), Audiologia Protesica, Torino, Minerva, 2014, pp. 863-881, ISBN: 139788877118035 (book chapter).

(g) Cobelli N., “Riflessioni per uno studio sistematico del settore audioprotesico”, L’Audioprotesista, vol. 16, September 2008, pp. 27-34, ISSN: 23848464 (rivista tecnico-scientifica); (r) Cobelli N., “Partire dal paziente per favorire la crescita del settore audioprotesico”, L'Audioprotesista, vol. 18, May 2009, pp. 33-42, ISSN: 23848464 (rivista tecnico-scientifica).

Componenti: Nicola Cobelli (Università degli Studi di Verona); Ivan Russo (Università degli Studi di Verona); Ilenia Confente (Università degli Studi di Verona); David M. Gligor (The University of Mississippi – U.S.A.).
Nicola Cobelli
Temporary Assistant Professor
Ivan Russo
Full Professor
Ilenia Confente
Associate Professor
External components
David M. Gligor
The University of Mississippi
Topic Research area
Business-to-business branding Marketing
Business to business management Marketing
Business to business marketing Marketing
Circular economy and the value perception Marketing
Enterprise 4.0 and digital transformation Marketing
B2B customer loyalty and supply chain management Logistica e gestione della supply chain
Logistics and supply chain management
A global study of returns management Logistica e gestione della supply chain
Logistics and supply chain management
Logistics customer service Logistica e gestione della supply chain
Logistics and supply chain management
Logistics and supply chain management within the circular economy practice Logistica e gestione della supply chain
Logistics and supply chain management
Customer value in business to business context Marketing and Advertising, Marketing
Managing global supply chain sustainability Marketing
Digital marketing Marketing
The role of the shopper within the supply chain in an omni-channel environment Logistica e gestione della supply chain
Logistics and supply chain management
The role of the shopper within the supply chain in a omni-channel environment. Logistica e gestione della supply chain
Logistics and supply chain management
Social media marketing Marketing
Omni-channel strategy and retailing Marketing


Research facilities
