Continuing Education

The university organizes and promotes, in addition to the educational offerings that grant academic degrees and are aimed at students, a series of initiatives targeted at adults, particularly workers, to adjust or elevate their professional levels.
The term continuous education refers to this set of training activities carried out by the university in collaboration and agreement with external entities, with the goal of training and updating functional skills for a specific work activity.
In this section, the initiatives of the faculty within the scope of their continuous education activities in the context of the Department are presented.
For the university's offerings, please consult the page: continuous education courses

Title Programme Director Starting date End date
La rendicontazione di sostenibilità: lo stato dell'arte della disciplina di riferimento Alessandro Lai 6/5/24 6/5/24
American Marketing Association Global Marketing SIG Conference 2024: Global Marketing Strategies with Sustainability as a Growth Driver Paola Signori 5/24/24 5/27/24
Sostenibilità, commercialisti e PMI: normativa, competenze e opportunità Alessandro Lai 1/22/24 1/22/24
Il commercialista consulente della sostenibilità: le sfide professionali Alessandro Lai 9/15/23 9/15/23
Tot 4 Events