Business administration [Cognomi A-K] (2008/2009)

Course not running

Teaching is organised as follows:
Unit Credits Academic sector Period Academic staff
1 - lezione 5 SECS-P/07-BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND ACCOUNTING STUDIES Primo semestre Angela Broglia
3 - esercitazione 3 SECS-P/07-BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND ACCOUNTING STUDIES Primo semestre Fabio Sartori

Learning outcomes

Module: 1 - lezione
This course is aimed at giving some methodological and cultural basis, necessary to analyse and interpret existence conditions and business performances of the many company models, even if this phenomenon can be considered as a whole. This course is sup-posed to develop some competences which turn out to be essential to study the company - and in particular the concern - dynamics of the business management, in order to value and gather essential quantitative evidences of the going concern: i.e. profit and oper-ating capital. This goal can be achieved by learning the discipline logical categories, a specific language and a peculiar cognitive method.

Module: 2 - lezione
This course is aimed at giving some methodological and cultural basis, necessary to analyse and interpret existence conditions and business performances of the many company models, even if this phenomenon can be considered as a whole. This course is sup-posed to develop some competences which turn out to be essential to study the company - and in particular the concern - dynamics of the business management, in order to value and gather essential quantitative evidences of the going concern: i.e. profit and oper-ating capital. This goal can be achieved by learning the discipline logical categories, a specific language and a peculiar cognitive method.

Module: 3 - esercitazione


Module: 1 - lezione
non disponibile

Module: 2 - lezione

Module: 3 - esercitazione

Assessment methods and criteria

Module: 1 - lezione
The examination will be partially oral and partially written

Module: 2 - lezione
The examination will be partially oral and partially written.

Module: 3 - esercitazione
