The course provides a general framework of the Italian crises procedures for enterprises (r.d. 16th march 1942, n. 267, as changed by l. 14th may 2005, n. 80 and by d.lgs. 9th january 2006, n. 5). The list of topics covered ist: Bankruptcy, deed of arrangement; debt restructuring agreements; compulsory administrative liquidation; extraordinery procedures applicable to th largest insolvent companies. The objective is to give students the knowledge of the basic principles and rules of the Italian bankruptcy law in practicol context.
Author | Title | Publisher | Year | ISBN | Note |
S.Bonfatti, P.F.Censoni | Manuale di diritto fallimentare, Padova,2007. (Edizione 2) | Cedam | 2007 | La conoscenza dei capitoli IXX, XX, XXI, e XXII è richiesta per cenni. |
an oral examen at the end of semester
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