Il gruppo ha ad oggetto l’indagine dei meccanismi di governance tipici delle nonprofit organization, sia in termini di rappresentatività degli interessi degli stakeholders sia in termini di partecipazione ai processi decisionali delle stesse. Le principali pubblicazioni del gruppo di ricerca sono le seguenti:
- Leardini C. - G. Rossi - S. Moggi, Board Governance in Bank Foundations. The Italian Experience, Springer, 2014 (la monografia è stata recensita da D. Vrontis, (2014) in EuroMed Journal of Business, Vol. 9, Iss: 3, pp.333-334
- Leardini, C., Rossi, G., Moggi, S., & Zardini, A. (2017). When the law shapes nonprofit boards: The key role of local stakeholders. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 46(1), 47-70.
- Moggi S., C. Leardini, G. Rossi, A. Zardini (2015), “Gaining Legitimacy in Non-Profit Governance. The Role of Stakeholder Engagement”, in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Value Chain in a dynamic environment, EuroMed Press, Conference Proceeding of "8th Annual Conference of the Euromed Academy of Business - Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Value Chain in a dynamic environment", Verona, 16-18 Settembre, 2015, pp. 1206-1214. ISBN: 9789963711376
- Moggi S., Leardini C., Rossi G., Filippi V. (2017), “The local community soul into the Italian bank foundations. A travel into their “bank” origins”, in XIII National Congress – Italian Society of Accounting History, “Accounting, Banks and Financial Institutions: Insights from the Past”, Mantua, 24-25 November 2016, pp. 1-17, ISBN:9788866590927
- Rossi G. - C. Leardini - S. Moggi - B. Campedelli, Toward community engagement in non-profit organizations governance, in Voluntary Sector Review, Volume 6, number 1, March 2015, Policy Press, pp. 21-40.