
Product Returns and Customer Value: A Footware Industry Case  (2012)

Russo, Ivan; Cardinali, S.
Product Returns and Customer Value: A Footware Industry Case
Tipologia prodotto:
Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
Tipologia ANVUR:
Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
A Stampa
Titolo libro:
Modelling Value. Selected Papers of the 1st International Conference on Value Chain Management
Casa editrice:
Physica-Verlag HD - A Springer Company -
Intervallo pagine:
Parole chiave:
customer value; footwear industry; functional integration; managing returns; reverse logistics and value
Breve descrizione dei contenuti:
Managing the flow of product returns is increasingly recognized as a strategically important activity that spans different functions within and across firms, especially in terms of marketing and operations. We focus specifically on managing returns in the shoes industry. In order to explore the phenomenon of returns management, a qualitative research methodology was chosen to generate an in-depth analysis given the currently limited understanding of the present research topic. Our results suggest that returns management is recognized an increased role in inter-functional alignment and that this phenomenon is linked to different elements of the relationship value.
This publication contains a selection of the best double-blind reviewed papers presented, discussed and revised by participants of the 1st International Conference on Value Chain Management in Austria, Steyr, May 2011. The Value Chain Management (VCM) Conference presents scientific insights relevant to management as well as their translation into the practice of management. The conference focus is on the demand chain i.e. sales, production, purchasing, logistics, performance measurement and customer value management. The authors present analytical and conceptual articles as well as empirical studies showing multidisciplinary and intercultural approaches towards solving relevant open problems. Russo Ivan and Cardinali Silvio won the best paper award with the manuscript Product Returns and Customer Value: A Footware Industry Case.
Pagina Web:
Id prodotto:
Handle IRIS:
depositato il:
20 febbraio 2013
ultima modifica:
2 novembre 2022
Citazione bibliografica:
Russo, Ivan; Cardinali, S., Product Returns and Customer Value: A Footware Industry Case Modelling Value. Selected Papers of the 1st International Conference on Value Chain ManagementPhysica-Verlag HD - A Springer Company -2012pp. 79-97

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