
Customer Education, Evaluation Skills And Perceived Value: A Theoretical Framework  (2014)

Bonfanti, Angelo; Brunetti, Federico
Customer Education, Evaluation Skills And Perceived Value: A Theoretical Framework
Tipologia prodotto:
Contributo in atti di convegno
Tipologia ANVUR:
Contributo in Atti di convegno
Titolo del Convegno:
17th Toulon-Verona Conference "Excellence in Services"
Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool (UK)
August 28-29, 2014
Intervallo pagine:
Parole chiave:
customer education; consumer information; consumer knowledge; customer perceived value; customer expertise; customer evaluation skill; conceptual framework; management
Breve descrizione dei contenuti:
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to propose a theoretically grounded conceptual framework regarding the relationships existing between customer education and customer perceived value, mediated by customer evaluation skills. Methodology: This is a conceptual paper whose analytical approach draws heavily on theoretical evidence published in service marketing and management literature. Findings: Customer education is a under-researched concept in the service marketing and management literature. It is a multilevel process aimed at informing and training customers in order to increase their knowledge levels (basic, general, and deep). It affects customer perceived value in terms of benefits (skill of information evaluation, satisfaction and appreciation, perceived risk, purchasing power, and protection of rights and interests), and outlays (economic commitment, product complexity, information accessibility, time employed, cognitive and behavioral effort, and resulting stress). Customer evaluation skill mediates this relationship. Practical implications: Providing to customers a number of aspects and tools for evaluating products reduces information asymmetries between a company and its customers. However, at least in principle, this can reduce the power of the company. Therefore, managers should consider this risk by both creating knowledge about service alternatives and evaluating what information can be offered to customers for increasing their knowledge levels. Managers should not block the development of initiatives aimed at strengthening customers education because they allow companies to obtain a number of advantages. Originality/value: The study contributes to enrichment of analyses of customer education by proposing a conceptual framework primarily considering cognitive dimension of the post-purchase evaluation phase.
Pagina Web:
Id prodotto:
Handle IRIS:
depositato il:
1 settembre 2014
ultima modifica:
1 novembre 2022
Citazione bibliografica:
Bonfanti, Angelo; Brunetti, Federico, Customer Education, Evaluation Skills And Perceived Value: A Theoretical Framework  in 17th Toulon-Verona Conference Proceedings "Excellence in Services"Atti di "17th Toulon-Verona Conference "Excellence in Services"" , Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool (UK) , August 28-29, 2014 , 2014pp. 27-41

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Progetti Collegati
Titolo Dipartimento Responsabili
Investigating performing-arts organizations between customer education and performance quality Dipartimento Management Federico Brunetti


